I animate and draw and fuck robots. Please don't ask for my Discord or Steam, or for me to draw your OC.
Do not interact with my NSFW content if you are a minor.

Age 32


Joined on 2/5/16

Exp Points:
2,225 / 2,500
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Vote Power:
5.67 votes
Art Scouts
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B/P Bonus:
7y 5m 22d

ZedrinBot's News

Posted by ZedrinBot - 1 day ago

I realized I haven't actually posted much of an update here in a while. This news is a little old but still has some relevant bits of info about what's been up with me.

Back in June, I was building my new PC (which is finally built), and in the process of updating my 2FA information, got locked out of my Facebook account. This is due to a bug with FB's 2FA system, where if you require 2FA, you cannot access your account (to put 2FA on) if it's removed. FB has no support and no way to report bugs, so unless by some miracle they patch this in the future, there is no way for me to get my old account back.

Which also included the 67k page that was attached to it.

Yeah Facebook sucks and whatever, but that still was like 15 years worth of memories, and my page was part of my business.

If you were someone who followed my FB page, I've made a new one at the following location. (Dunno how much audience crossover between here and FB I have, but for those that do exist, there you go.)

I've been working on my next tabletop related video in the meantime, and have some other announcements coming soon for something major which I'm excited for.

I made an update video on all this a bit earlier as well, which goes into further detail. You can check that out here:

Anyway, that's all for now.


Posted by ZedrinBot - April 1st, 2024



Posted by ZedrinBot - March 31st, 2024

I'm doing YCH style comms, for anyone interested! Because Easter and I am a sinner.


To provide the full details:

I'm gonna be doing some limited and themed comms for the next week! I'll be working on them every stream night from now until (and including) next Friday. (That usually means getting 2-4 done a night, over 3-4 stream nights). These have a few restrictions, and are being offered to supporters on Pat/SS first before going public:

  • They are $80 each, paid via Paypal, paid up front. Quality is as depicted in the examples.
  • Provide me the character. Single character only, references required, be sure to mention any important notes in the debrief. These are meant to have minimal back-and-forth.
  • Specify the bunsuit. Bunsuits can be classic, reverse, or the slingkini style that I've come up with. You can request details to the bunsuits or small notes on the char designs as well, but keep in mind that these are meant to be fairly straightforward.
  • Specify the pose. I've provided 4 poses, but if you have another pose that's really good you can pitch it to me. Select one of the premades as a backup still, though honestly I'm pretty adaptable here. I can also slightly vary a pose if it works better (as shown with Chloe).
  • Also need the email you use for paypal.

You can message me through any of my socials or my Discord and give me the info required. I'll make a note of it, and message you the day I plan to work on it to send you the invoice as I work my way through the prospective list. If it's paid by that evening, it'll be done that evening and posted the next day. I pride myself on my turnaround time. (I can also delay with working on one til after a set date, up to the final day, if asap isn't convenient.) Note that I pick and choose which one to do next, and will not necessarily go through the list chronologically. Additionally, I can only guarantee I will be doing these through next Friday, so please understand if I can't do all of them, in the event I get a lot.

Atm I have 11 on the list so far, and will likely be doing 9 to 12 of the ones on my list.


Posted by ZedrinBot - January 10th, 2024

It's the last day to get a Pivot Plushie! You can get one here.


I'm going to be streaming later to Youtube today to drum up any last minute support, though when depends on when my ISP starts and finishes some planned maintenance. In the meantime, have the short video I made:


Posted by ZedrinBot - December 19th, 2023

The Pivot Plushie campaign is finally here! You can order one yourself at https://www.makeship.com/products/pivot-plushie-1


The campaign is also already funded; if you ordered in the initial interest campaign, that will carry over into the full campaign! My contact at Makeship told me there's been a bit of a delay with rolling that in and it should hopefully be reflected before the end of the week.



Posted by ZedrinBot - September 22nd, 2023

Got some huge news! I've partnered with Makeship to launch a petition for a Pivot plush!

It's currently the preliminary petition, where we only have 7 days to meet the goal, but it's just 200 $2 pledges. These count to a preorder should you want to fully commit if and when the campaign goes live at a later date.


Consider pledging if you wanna see a Pivot plushie become a reality!





Posted by ZedrinBot - April 1st, 2023

In honor of the holiday, and my propensity to use April Fools to do weird, out-of-left-field or experimental content, I have something new for ya'll to try!

The Heroically Dense TTRPG system! Play as a band of Himbos on a mission, inspired by Hiro the Dense!

It's super easy to set up and run with your friends, with only 2 pages for the rules and player options. All you need are a couple of d6s; no tokens, maps, or artwork are necessary! Sessions usually run about an hour or two and are just some stupid fun.

You can download the system from my Itch.io page! The download is totally free and includes the basic rules and instructions, a couple of optional GM tables to help facilitate storytelling, and a simple character sheet for tracking your stats and modifiers.

Have fun!


Posted by ZedrinBot - February 27th, 2023

I've decided to take a crack and Blender again. Over the past 14 years I've relearned the program like 10 times, and haven't ever been able to get it to stick. I've made and even finished projects, forgot everything, and had to start from square one time and time again.

But a few things carry over each time. I'm currently working on a model of Curly Brace. I wanna learn a little bit about the pipeline to get things into Unity, maybe try importing the model into VR Chat (not that I have a headset), namely as a learning experience.


Of course it's Curly Brace, why wouldn't it be?

Honestly, this model's probably the best one I've done to date. Not super impressive on its own, but compared to making MMD assets, my last assorted 3D attempts, and that little silly 3D big-tiddy Gardevoir animation a couple years back, I really like how this model looks so far.

I've basically finished the texturing and weight painting / basic rigging. As of writing this, I need to create some controllers and drivers, then see about exporting and importing the model and going from there.

In my situation, the program can be frustrating cause when I run into a roadblock, I need a very specific answer to a very specific question, and it's not to teach me it outright, but to help me remember it. And most tutorials I find online are like 30 minutes long that always have to cover so many basic fundamentals. Those aren't bad tutorials, but they're not useful for me, and they flood the results whenever I try to search a question.

That said, bless Blender Secrets and Royal Skies for making super short, bite-sized, single-operation tutorials; those are the exact kind of thing that actually helps me.

If you wanna follow my WIPs more closely, I post em up over on substar and patreon.

Beyond 3D, I'm not exactly sure what project(s) I wanna work on next. After finishing H4cked, a large animation is at the bottom of my to-do list. I do have a video scheduled this week for my Youtube about some Pathfinder 2 mechanics and classes, as a sort of introduction to the system for some people.

I do have two very large projects that I'd love to do, but they're a bit too big for me to feel comfortable undertaking at the moment, or, financially speaking, are too risky given Youtube's current environment. So for now I'm kinda just sticking to my own personal status quo.



Posted by ZedrinBot - October 31st, 2022

Happy Halloween! Got a new video up; was debating posting it to the portal here, but since it uses Hat in Time music I elected against it

I think I animated more this month along compared to the rest of this year in its entirety. Dunno what it is about October that gave me the bug--maybe it's just the spooky month, or maybe it's just it's finally cooling down so I can focus.


(censored cause a lot of NSFW. (You can support me on Patreon or Substar (nsfw) if you want early access to my work or just want to see it made. A new month starts tomorrow, so that'd be the ideal time to join.)

I've also been putting a lot of work into PV02's world. I mentioned it in some of the art I've shared, but I've basically completely rewritten the story. I've made a little master document for myself to outline the overall plot and make note of major changes I want to implement.

Ultimately I would like to reboot it in some form. I don't know if it'd be a webcomic after that either, but I'd want something that both is the easiest to make but also has the most impact. I'm an animator at the end of the day too. Some of the ideas that I've looked at:

  • Comic: this is what I was doing before. Keeping to a consistent schedule proved tough however, and wound up writing me into a corner ultimately, when I started focusing more on meeting deadlines rather than carrying the story. Comic composition is hard, and going from a storyboard mindset to a comic one wasn't easy and is still something I struggle with.
  • Animation: this is even more work, but I'd have more control over how far apart episodes are, so I at least would be able to keep each episode narratively consistent. Big projects however are a process and are very high stress.
  • Novelization: just straight writing would be the easiest approach, but also the lowest impact. It'd be done more like, single image per chapter or scene, and then text there out. Not too much a fan of this idea, but it'd be the easiest way to rapidly get the story out there.
  • Visual novel Animation: kinda a combination of the above. If you've seen Epithet Erased, it'd be sorta like that--mostly static images in a mock-VN style, cutting to animation where appropriate. I'm most leaning to this, but it's also the most unfamiliar territory for me: creating text engines and UI via animation/editing software is exceptionally painful. It would maybe be easier to learn how to use RenPy and design it like a linear VN instead. I'm more worried that having to learn new territory would wind up taking more time than the format would save.

Overall, I want to make PV02 more thematically consistent as well. It flirted with cyberpunk concepts but never committed to them before; I'd want to double down on that atmosphere proper. Some chars, like Gladys and Collet, would ultimately be cut, and some characters' purpose and presence in the world would also shift dramatically. While originally a lot of things also just sorta happened at random or arbitrarily, in the reboot I'd want to make sure everything feels connected and consistent and had purpose. So far I'm very satisfied with what I've outlined in my personal document.

I don't wanna reveal TOO much, since I don't wanna spoil anything. But at this point I namely just need to figure out how I'd want to tell the story.



Posted by ZedrinBot - September 16th, 2022

I have remade my CSP animation tutorial! (again)

Cause I wasn't satisfied with the prior attempts.

If you own CSP and wanna use it to animate, give it a watch!
