I animate and draw and fuck robots. Please don't ask for my Discord or Steam, or for me to draw your OC.
Do not interact with my NSFW content if you are a minor.

Age 32


Joined on 2/5/16

Exp Points:
2,225 / 2,500
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Vote Power:
5.67 votes
Art Scouts
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B/P Bonus:
7y 5m 22d

ZedrinBot's News

Posted by ZedrinBot - April 8th, 2022

I started this video back in September of last year, re-recorded it like 4 times, got burnout/executive dysfunction, and didn't finish it til recently. And finally it's out!

it's about GUNGEONS AND DRAGONS (fifth edition) and how you can stuff 5e into a gun-shaped hole.

(tho tbh you may wanna look at other systems some cause they handle firearms at base and don't require homebrew to make it possible or balanced but that's not the point of the video cause everyone plays 5e and they will stick to it.)

Also back in September I asked for goblin ocs from patrons and friends. I can finally share the 3 second gag that I was preparing.


anyway I'm still doin bunny suit draws for April and still takin friend OCs over on my Twitter

I've also been workshopping some storytelling techniques and worldbuilding stuff, mainly thinking about alternative ways to tell extended stories without burning out. Nothing to announce there, but maybe in the future. (It might be a way for me to reboot PV02 (a second time).)

There's 3 large projects that I want to work on and I'm not sure which to do. One is a large animation, the other is a series of smaller animations, and the other is just a small collection of more DND videos done in this same style (which would arguably be significantly easier than either of the two options.) Makes me wish there were 3 of me. (Note that all 3 of these are SFW, while i have done big NSFW projects in the past, they are massively cumbersome to manage and I'd rather keep them short.)

Also I've fallen back down the Satisfactory rabbit hole help



Posted by ZedrinBot - November 18th, 2021

back from my trip

time to dump some art that was queued to Twitter while I was gone


Posted by ZedrinBot - July 27th, 2021

My 5e party of several years has finally managed to finish our campaign. You might've seen the banner I made for everyone's chars; I did a timelapse of it and gave a recount of the story for it.

Other than that, I've had a busy month. Got a lot of art pieces done, including started a little 18+ side comic I wanted to do featuring Pulse and sex-ed tips. (Currently patron exclusive.)

That all said, I haven't even looked at resuming my webcomic. I honestly don't know when PV02 will be off hiatus and it definitely is a point of insecurity. I want to get more progress on my animation done before I even think about that but even that's slow going. Good news is I finally got the Pose Copier in Toon Boom fixed.

In non-art news, I also started playing Ring Fit Adventure, just a few minutes each day, and that's been feeling good.

Anyway, as usual, Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday are streaming nights for me over at https://picarto.tv/zedrin. If you wanna watch me work, I start streaming around 8 pm Pacific Time.


Posted by ZedrinBot - July 15th, 2021

Got a new adoptable for auction! You can place a bid here! (18+)


Otherwise I'm just plugging away at art. I'm working on a little bit of animation to get some work done on a big project, but I have no idea when I'll finish. Once it's nearing completion, I'll feel comfortable resuming PV02.

I've also fallen into the FF14 hole weeeee.


Posted by ZedrinBot - May 25th, 2021

I made a new tutorial for Clip Studio Paint!



Posted by ZedrinBot - May 16th, 2021

New PV02 comic update! https://www.pv02comic.com/


Additionally, over on my Patreon I'm having users vote on what variants to add to a set next! I'm doing a set of Hex Maniac / Hilda pics, and am up to 24 variants. I have drafts for over 64 depending on what people vote on.

Kinda crazy, we'll see where that goes. https://www.patreon.com/Zedrin

In other news, I've been playing a lot of Pathfinder 2e lately, in a westmarches style game. That's been fun. It's easy to make new characters to drop in too.

One I have on the backburner is a gunslinger, sniper focus. He's a sprite, with a corgi familiar feat that he can use as a mount. He speaks Undercommon, the language of "Down under."

Name: Quigley. Also responds to Roy.


Posted by ZedrinBot - May 4th, 2021

Update 151 of PV02 is up https://www.pv02comic.com/


In other news I think I'm gonna take a week off drawing. I'm tired and feel overwhelmed, and having just gotten off a challenge I need a break. (Plus I wanna get caught up on some games.)


Posted by ZedrinBot - April 18th, 2021

New comic update! https://www.pv02comic.com/



Meanwhile, as April winds down, so does my challenge. I've got several bunnygirl outfit drawings done up ahead of time, which means I only have about 8 left to draw.

Kinda wish my stuff got more traction on Twitter. It feels like my engagement is low for my follower count.

After this month i'm gonna be getting back into blender and start animating there.


Posted by ZedrinBot - April 4th, 2021

Been a bit since I posted a blog post. Rapid fire updates let's go:

Anyway, new comic update! https://www.pv02comic.com/


I'm currently doing a bunsuit challenge, where each day I draw a different character in a bunsuit for all of April.

I've learned a lot about 3D lately and have made some awesome progress.

I had a "Vtuber Debut" for April fools and that was fun

And uh, support my Patreon if you want. It's a new month so it's a good time to sign up! https://www.patreon.com/Zedrin

Also Monster Hunter Rise is really good.


Posted by ZedrinBot - February 15th, 2021

SO, new PV02 update! Go read here! https://www.pv02comic.com/


I think for future updates, I'm gonna go back to what I was doing early on, and use animation software to map out my comic pages. Using animation rigs for comics may seem like heresy / Tim Buckley-esque, but I actually know how to animate and I pride myself on the quality of my rigs.

Plus, it also allows me to work on animation assets while working on the comic itself, so I can better accomplish my goals.

On another note, I have a new set up on Patreon, featuring Midna! I decided to do a double-whammy: there's a small pic set, as well as a small set of gifs! https://www.patreon.com/Zedrin


Other than all that, I've had a lot on my plate lately. The auctions are finally done and were very lucrative. I still have several patreon rewards I have to tackle, and my own personal projects.

I have a tutorial coming out this week as well, on how to animate a popular animation trend, so look forward to that.

That's about everything.

Oh yeah also play Valheim, it fun.
